The Best of 2022

2022 was my year for diving deeper into the craft of photography. I fell in love again with image-making this year, fueled both by the purchase of the medium format digital camera, the Fuji GFX 50sii, and my dedication to study at least one photo book (some favorites are The World From My Front Porch by Larry Towell, Storm by Paolo Pellegrin, Midwest Materials by Julie Blackmon, and Regarding Emma by Melissa Anne Pinney) before every wedding. As I compile my favorites from this year, I’m feeling incredibly grateful for my trusting clients, the remarkably good weather, and freshness of vision that were abundant in 2022.

There’s so much I could touch upon from this year, from, all the clients who have become friends, the talented second photographers who accompanied me to many weddings this year, the vendors who kept me sane with good food and conversations, the feeling like I have the best job on earth most of the time, but I’ll keep it short and give you more time to look at photos.

Can’t wait to create and collaborate more in 2023! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


Natalie and Ben's West-Meets-East Intimate Wedding at the West Hill House Bed and Breakfast in Warren, Vermont


Sandi and Sean's Cozy Stick Season Wedding at the Inn at Manchester in Manchester, VT